THAILAND - Tim + Fin Travel
If you’re short on time in Thailand, Krabi can be a perfect hopping off spot. If lowkey is your style, it’s the ideal place to be a beach bum,get massages, and eat street food til you can’t walk anymore. If you you’re looking for a bit more action, there's plenty of hikes nearby or you can snag a boat and head to PhiPhi. Theres also the relatively famous 4 island tour, which we’re doing today along with what feels like 12,000 other tourists.
During the 4 Island tour your guides will speed you away by longboat to Railay Beach, Chicken Island, Tup Island and Poda Island. You’ll be able to snorkel, swim, bask in the sun, explore little caves, and marvel at the sheer number of people who discover they can’t swim after already jumping in the water.
For less than $20 you can have a decent time being part of the masses on this tour. Get ready to “bah” like a sheep as you’re quickly herded from one stop to the next. Not the best tour in the world but you can’t argue with the price.