
THAILAND TRAVEL VLOG KOH LANTA - Volunteering at Animal Shelter, Caving, and Hotel blackouts

After a few days in Koh Lanta, Thailand, the Diemers find that you can only spend so many days lounging on the perfect beaches before ya get bored. To add a little bit of variety and actually do some good in the world, they decide to volunteer some time at Lanta Animal Welfare by walking a shelter dog for the afternoon. The first dog they attempt to walk is apparently unaware the Lanta Animal Welfare is the #1 TripAdvisor rated thing to do in Koh Lanta and would rather just stay in its kennel. Things only improve slightly from there.

Later, Finney discovers that you should always look at food before shoving it into your gob, especially when your hotel room is filled with ants and you're eating in the dark.

Finally, the Diemers head out to Maikaew cave. If you're unaware from earlier, Finneys favorite things in the world include beaches, hugs and yummy ice cream. Dark, claustrophobic caves filled with spiders are nowhere on that list. (Off camera, Tim lies to Finney and tells her they're going somewhere to pet a fluffy bunny.)

Before she knows it, Finney is crawling on hands and knees through tunnels while Tim has CuChi Tunnel flashbacks. Maikaew Cave is awesome. Seriously, they'll let you do anything you want there. You can fight a bat. Go to Maikaew cave.


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